Saturday, March 8, 2008

Long Time No See

Hello there strangers! People have been complaining to Mom that there haven't been any new pictures of me. Giver her a break - I keep her very busy.

Yep, you know the kind of mischief 2 month olds can get into. Ah, come on now you couldn't honestly believe a cute little guy like me could get into too much trouble. Could you?

I've just been hanging around with my big sister. She is the best big sis a boy could ask for.

Here I am hanging out with my Dad, he's pretty cool too.

Yeah, I'm one lucky little guy! That's sure to put a smile on anyone's face.


Anonymous said...

A very good looking group, (even the Old Dad guy.

Ol' Uncle Fint

Anonymous said...

Hey there cute boy!! NO, Derek, I mean Braden!! ;-) Aren't you glad your big sis saved some cuteness for you??!! When are you going to come to Oregon for a visit? Tell your parents you're ready for a road trip! ;-) Hugs to everyone! Love, Marty

lesleymac said...


You are one ADORIBLE boy!
