Friday, December 26, 2008

This is much better than last year!

This time last year I was finally home with my family after being released from the hospital. I really didn't understand all of the hullabaloo about the "Christmas" thing. This year I totally get it!

Mommy got me all dressed up for pictures and some fancy dinner.

I'm not really a fan of fancy dinners. I made my case known.

Papa Bruce to the rescue! Here we are all ready to go.

After what felt like a never ending dinner we came home for a preview of what was to come: presents! I had my very own cheerleader showing me how to open the presents.

I got some great new Christmas PJ's so I could look super cute in all my Christmas morning pictures.

I was a very good boy this year and Santa filled my stocking extra full. I even got some yummy Christmas candy, which keeps disappearing even though I haven't had any yet. Strange...

Then it was out to the Christmas tree for more presents from Santa. Thanks to the practice I got on my birthday I was really good at this present opening thing.

I got some really fun new toys to play with. Some of them light up and make noises. This one spits balls out for me to chase around the house. Awesome!

I got Daddy this great new hat. Looks good doesn't it?

I got my own new hat also, and a matching scarf! Great Aunt Randi made it for me.

All this present opening can really make a boy tired. Time for a break.

But, not to be outdone by my big sister, I had to prove just how spoiled I am also. I got a Giraffe!

Yep, this was definitely better than last year. Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tis the Season

To Celebrate My Birthday! One cake for me...

One cake for everyone else.

Lotso presents!

But I like the paper the best.

Mom and Dad thought that it was about time to introduce me to shoes.

But I got toys and new friends as well.

After presents, time for cake!!! Here's my first taste...

I even shared with Dad...

My tummy feels a little funny after all that buttercream.

Sobriety test time... Touch your nose son...No, I said YOUR nose.

Birthday kisses from sissy...

Oh my, this celebration is going to my head...

As Dad always says, if you need a bath after your birthday party, then things went well.

So it was off to the tub

Happy Birthday to Me!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Favorite, and Not so Favorite, Outfits

This is my new favorite outfit. It comes with this great hat. Do you like it?

It is super comfy to crawl around and play in.

But my favorite part is that it makes me look like a tough guy. Better watch out!

Aw, I'm just kidding. I wouldn't hurt a fly.

That was my favorite outfit, now to my least favorite outfit. It snowed this week and for some insane reason Mom felt I might want to go out and play in it. So she bought me this outfit to keep me warm.

Even my Sissy couldn't make me happy about the situation. I just don't understand why she likes playing out there. They took me out with her and put me down in the snow. I screamed.

Mommy has been working for two weeks to get me to say Mama. I say Dada and even D-yuh, but I will not say Mama. Until, that is they put me down in the snow. Then I cried looked up and said "Mama, Mama". So there aren't any picture of me actually in the snow. My powers of persuasion worked and Mommy promptly swept me up out of the snow.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Best Hat Ever

My Mommy's friend made me this hat. Isn't it awesome?

Look closely for my shiny new teeth.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Frog Prince

This being my first Halloween I wasn't sure what to expect when Mommy and Daddy showed up at Daycare for the big Halloween party. I sure didn't expect to be dressed up as an amphibian wearing a crown!

But the costume torment came with a party - junk food and all. Since they said my magic word -food- I let the torture pass.

But then they decided to torture me some more, all in the name of this Halloween. I cried out for someone to make it stop.

I am a fan of rides around the neighborhood in my stroller though, so once we got out into the fresh air I got happy again.

Just in time to fall asleep.

I woke up in time to steal the princess's wand and try to turn myself back into a boy.

It worked just in time for me to work on mastering my newest skill - walking! Watch the fun:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Friends

There was a great pumpkin hunting adventure this weekend. But, as is typical for me, I slept through most of the experience. I did however get to sit with some great pumpkins before the hayride put me to sleep.

We had a great time, the pumpkins and I. They make fun noises when you bang on them like a drum, which besides sleeping anytime that is not the middle of the night, is my favorite activity.

When you can't yet walk sometimes you find yourself placed in some interesting places. This is one of the most unique places Mom has found to put me. Hand basket anyone?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy baby

It has been a while since Mommy has had time to put up any new pictures, but rest assured I am just as happy as I've ever been.

I'm also just as much of a Mama's boy as ever. Mommy felt the need to advertise that with a shirt. Not the last time she'll embarrass me I'm sure.

I'm up and moving so fast these days it is all Mommy and Daddy can do to keep up with me. Think you can catch me? I bet you can't!

Peek-a-boo! Here I am.

Just try to get me to sit down and rest. Go ahead, I dare ya!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A visit from a far away land

A few weeks ago I got to meet my great grandparents. I am great grandbaby number 5 for them! Here I am hanging out with Gpa.

Here is Gigi doing an amazing job at occupying a restless 9 month old in a crowded restaurant while Mom tries to (finally) scarf down some cold dinner, between snapping pictures of course!

Here I am spending more time hanging around just us guys.

My sissy had something called a "birthday" while they were here so she monopolized a lot of the camera time, but here is one shot of us together while she was busy turning 3.

I also learned a new trick in the last few weeks, see how strong I am? Next up... walking. Look out world here I come!!

(Yes I know my hair is doing something crazy but Mom just couldn't make it lay flat. It's all part of my charm she says.)